Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Building a Desk for Teaching Art Online

After the start of Covid, in order to get me up and running we quickly set up the garage as woodshop.

Let me just say it pays for an artist to marry someone who is great with admin and also great with tools. Milton basically set up a folding table to get me going as my college courses were suddenly online. He watched me for a few weeks much like a scientist watches his subject in its natural habitat. He saw as I fumbled with the (as I like to call them) wires and became increasingly frustrated. He saw that I needed more space for a still life box that I have at the end of the desk and that I was using Iphone clamps like they were going out of style. Hence he designed the desk to have edges everywhere that were "clampable".

The desk also had to have slots for my Ipad Pro, my Wacom tablet and my planner. All things I need to grab quickly and be able to put away easily. 

The edge of the desk allows for me to clamp lights and iphone holders for when I do videos. He bought the wood at Home Depot and used whatever was cheapest. This desk is meant to get paint on it so there is no use to get fancy. I am am typing right now at my lovely desk.